カド【#izakaya tokyo#在東京的推荐居酒屋】

在利用老房子的懷舊空間 體驗非日常的氣氛

古民家を利用した 懐かしい空間で非日常体験
A Truly Special Experience:Comfortable Meals At a Classical Old Japanese Establishment


位於住宅區一角,外觀雅致。由1949 年的一般住宅改建的老屋,在懷舊氣氛下兼具現代與休閒風。牆上隨意布置的山本容子銅版畫作,插在小花瓶裡的一枝地榆……。品味絕佳的擺設、無微不至的接待,以及美味套餐,讓人能充分享受成熟大人的休閒時光。

This 68-year-old, classical Japanesestylehouse invites you in for a cozy,homey dinner. The full-course mealstaste especially good in the nostalgicatmosphere of this tastefully-decoratedroom. Enjoy relaxation and comfort toyour heart’s content.

Recommend Menu

    Heshiko (salted mackerel in rice- bran paste) sashimi ¥500
    醃漬生魚片 500圓
    Mainly, dishes are served in at full course at dinner time, ¥3,150 Corn tofu(included in course menu) is a par ticularly delicate taste.
    晚上以3,150圓的套餐為主。 玉米豆腐( 套餐菜色) 風味優雅。
    Giblets stew ¥400 Course menu items may vary based on the season.
    燉牛雜 400圓 *套餐菜色會隨季節調整。
Shop info TEL: 03-3268-2410
住所: 新宿区赤城元町1-32
営業時間: 11:30~14:30、 17:00~23:00
定休日: 無

1-32 Akagimotomachi, Shinjuku-ku
Tel: 03-3268-2410
Open: 11:30 – 14:30, 17:00 – 23:00
Closed: all year round

Book info


酒場故事多 吉田類嚴選70 家大人的居酒屋

定価: 本体1,000円+税
ムックの購入はこちらデジタル版の購入はこちらClick here to purchase※STORY – Digital Store Appへリンクします。

「酒場STORY」は、“酒場詩人”の愛称で全国の居酒屋ファンを虜にする吉田類さん(@karashi61)が監修したSTORYの居酒屋ガイド。女将が語る町やお店の歴史、女将の人生や人生訓を吉田類さんと拝聴してきた雑誌STORYの連載を一冊にまとめました。オシャレなバーやレストランもいいけれど、これからは新たな家庭の味や人生のレシピ(!?)も学べる居酒屋の時代です。世界も注目するIZAKAYAをワールドワイドに発信すべく英文も併記して、「国内外を問わず様々な方に手に取っていただきたい」というのが担当編集のこだわり! 既に手に入れて、実際の居酒屋に訪れたという声も集まり始めています。ぜひ、こちらを持って、めくるめく〝IZAKAYA”の世界に足を踏み入れてください。

●The innovative guide to “Izakaya” with English translation!
“Sakaba STORY” available now

Today, izakaya is also familiar as an English word. It’s a Japanese casual pub where people enjoy conversations over drinks and food at a low price.
This November we published “Sakaba STORY” (Sakaba has the same meaning as izakaya) as a spin-off of “STORY”, which is our bestselling fashion and lifestyle magazine for women.
This guidebook is the collection of monthly articles in “STOTY” and supervised by a popular essayist Rui Yoshida (@karashi61) called ‘Sakaba Poet’. The articles are about the location or history of an izakaya learnt from its hostess, and her life.
What is special about this guide is that an English translation printed side by side with the Japanese original. The editor strongly hopes that many foreign tourists read it. We have already some good reviews.
Let’s make a plunge into izakaya world with this innovative road map!

E-book is also now in following stores: Apple Newsstand, Amazon Kindle, RAKUTEN Kobo, etc.

Amazon Kindle
紀伊國屋書店 Kinoppy